Monday, 22 March 2010

Blog it!

The title of this blog reminds me of the phrase 'blurt it out'. The idea is .... put it in writing. I know you're probably asking "what?". Anything! Just write down whatever is on your mind. Express yourself. Let it out. Don't keep it to yourself. Its probably going to be a source of inspiration or a life changer for someone out there.
Take for example, I'm writing this blog first to and for myself and then to anyone else reading. I discovered of recent, that writing is an art that is gradually losing popularity amongst this new and upcoming generation folks. So also is the habit of reading. There is the maxim that goes 'readers are leaders', but should I be quick to add that not only readers are leaders but writers are also leaders. Writing brings out a quality of imaginative thinking many never thought they had.
Something else writing does is it keeps memories alive. Note that not only pictures have that ability. Remember, 'the faintest pen is sharper than the sharpest memory'. Experiences and lessons well documented will save many a people the gross pain of repeating their mistakes and will give others a chance of learning from them. Who said you always have to learn from your own experiences alone, you can also learn from others. Have you thought of how the Bible came into being, some people sat down and wrote the things they saw and experienced in their times and today here we are, reading and learning from them.
Just decided to put this little piece together; hopefully, this will gear you into marshalling your writing and imaginative energy.
Do it today. Put that pen to paper, put those hands on the keyboard and write down something.

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